Saturday, November 26, 2011

Natural Remedies Wanted

I think I know why more and more consumers are rejecting pharmaceutical treatments in favor of natural remedies. I just was watching television and one of those prescription medicine commercials came on. The list of side effects and problems associated with the product took up more air time than the first part that dramatized its benefits. It reminds me of the old George C. Scott movie, The Hospital, where perfectly healthy people end up dying because of problems in the medical facility. No wonder we're looking back to the old home remedies that use apple cider vinegar, garlic, honey, and other natural herbs and ingredients from Mother Nature's medicine cabinet. We recently came across a website that publishes new information about natural remedies, and we've subscribed to its RSS feed so we can follow the news is gathers and then spreads the word about. Of course, not everything that is natural is good for you. Deadly nightshade, foxglove and other lovely flowers are poisonous and need to be treated with respect. But by doing a bit of research on herbal treatments and similar ways to avoid the harmful side effects of pills and potions that are cooked up from chemicals, we may be able to live healthier and happier. Here's to wellness!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Milk is Nature's Most Naturally Perfect Food?

They say that cow's milk is nature's most naturally perfect food.

If indeed that is true, then why must they skim, homogenize, pasteurize and fortify it with extra vitamins before selling it to us?

I was very amused by Lewis Black's observations about milk in a video that is now available on YouTube. Caution: Mr. Black uses language some would describe as vulgar.

Here is the link:

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Thanksgiving Weekend Sedona Tour for Singles Announced

The Thanksgiving time is primarily a weekend for families to get together, but not everybody has a family they can or want to share the holiday with. That is why we are applauding an event for singles that has been planned for the 2011 Thanksgiving long weekend. It is a tour of Sedona, Arizona specifically designed for single men and women who are spiritually minded. The tour focuses on the energy vortexes that long have made Sedona popular with New Age, artistic, and people of a similar mindset.

For the sort of individual who enjoys meditation, walks in labyrinths, exploring earth energies and discovering more about Native American spirituality, this tour would be right up your alley. The tour host, Mr. Clint Frakes, lives in Sedona and has long been involved with both energy work and the native peoples of the Southwest. He is particularly well qualified to lead the tour group into Hopi territory to see Prophecy Rock and explain how it is believed to hold the answers to the ultimate fate of humanity on earth.

Body Mind Spirit Journeys is the tour company who has organized the event, scheduled for November 23 through 27, 2011. A complete itinerary of the Spiritual Sedona Tour for Singles is available at The BMSJ company is a division the the well-respected RMC Travel, leaders of the tour and travel industry for more than 60 years.