As tough as economic times may be in Western Canada in the first month of 2014, and with a lot of unemployed men and women hunting for work, it still holds true that not everyone is looking for full time employment. There is still a big demand for part time jobs.
With all of the benefits of having a job that is categorized as full time, meaning generally around 25 to 40 hours per week, why would someone not want all of the perks, such as extended health benefits and other reasons why that go along with it. Perhaps there is a health issue, and someone does not have the strength nor stamina for a full time job. Also family commitments to elderly parents, a disabled person or young children could also come into play. For whatever reason, it is a fact that a great number of men and women are looking for part time jobs in Vancouver and the surrounding metro greater area.
For a time we recommended free classified ad sites such as Kijiji and Craigslist as good free sources for employment listings.
We recently have found another free website that may just give the aforementioned ones a run for their money. It is and, as the name says, it specializes in listing part time jobs in Vancouver. When we checked it out recently, we saw listings for restaurant workers, including cooks, cleaners and servers, general laborers, office and administrative support positions and in general a wide array of employers seeking reliable staff to fill openings.
With anything on the internet, one has to be careful. Other websites that offer free listings can sometimes be littered with scams selling expensive investments cloaked as home based business opportunities, so due diligence is always recommended.