I only just found out about Japanese Erasers today. I guess I must have been living under a rock or something, because this hot trend had totally escaped my attention until now. In case you also are unaware of Japanese Erasers, let me give you the facts.
They are like Cabbage Patch Kids, or Beanie Babies, or Webkinz, in that they are the latest fad that children cannot live without and will be ostracized by their friends unless their parents, or doting grandparents, buy them dozens and dozens of them.
Or did you want to know what they are? Basically, they are cute as all get out, and as useless as... Well, this is a kids-oriented column, so I am not going to use any inappropriate language, but you follow my drift. They are not useful erasers, but who writes with pencils anymore anyway. We only send text messages now, and therefore, having a real eraser is unnecessary.
They come in shapes and colors that look like penguins, adorable babies, cheeseburgers, pineapples, pumpkins, ears of corn, but my favorites are hamsters, pandas and fugu blow fish.
Cuddly, cute as a wheelbarrow full of baby bunnies, and surprisingly inexpensive. Here is an online shop where you can get Japanese Erasers.