Sunday, May 3, 2009

Grossed-Out Divorce Lawyer Vomits Onto Judge

At first we thought this news item might be one of those stories that supermarket tabloids such as the National Enquirer sometimes fabricate and publish alongside sensational articles about space aliens, Bigfoot and Elvis sightings. But then we did a bit of digging and we found out more than we wanted to know. It seems there is a website that has pictures on it that are so gross, they truly are enough to make a lawyer barf in court.

Here is the story as we first read it...

Grossed-Out Divorce Lawyer Vomits Onto Judge

FRESNO, CA - A family courtroom erupted into tumult when a lawyer lost not only his case but also his lunch upon an astonished judge, who hastily dismissed the proceedings. Attorney Richard Wysnewski, 52, was arguing over a custody settlement with Judge Sandra S. Ogilvy when he suddenly became violently ill and spewed the contents of his stomach all over the face and chest of the presiding justice. Mr. Wysnewski was seen to receive a message on his mobile phone immediately prior to the incident. It is believed he viewed an online greeting card image so disgusting that he was unable to control the regurgitation reflex.

And now, as the late Paul Harvey used to say, here is the rest of the story...

We have learned that the lawyer in question was sent an insulting electronic greeting card that he received on his Blackberry, and the poor schmuck was dumb enough to view it in court. The card came from a site called Secret Revenge Cards at and we warn you not to go there unless you have a very strong stomach.

Not only do they run a service where people can send electronic insult cards -- they call them "e-sults" -- but they do it all anonymously. You can send a card to somebody you want to take revenge on and the recipient never knows the identity of the sender.

As if this wasn't bad enough, the pictures available on the cards are repulsive, depraved, disgusting, sickening and shameful. Do these people have no decency or morality? The popular term "Not Safe For Work" or NSFW is only putting it mildly!

To be fair, the website does state that they are opposed to bullying, hate mongering or racism, but we predict there could be disaster if school children start tormenting one another with these cruel communications.

The internet has been described as being as wide open as the old West. Maybe it's time more regulation was written to control such filth as Secret Revenge Cards.