A company in California is making it easy for anyone looking to make money with the launch of Business-In-A-Bucket. The product enables individuals to build a personal stimulus package, as it contains all of the information necessary to begin an auto detailing business. Entrepreneur and owner Kevin Jones launched Business-In-A-Bucket to help those suffering from unemployment and to help young people find the money for college and be empowered to become CEOs of their own companies.
"As we embark upon the worst economy ever, it is imperative that we think fast and think outside the box. Let's face it -- we are drowning. There is a giant leak in America's economic boat. Do we wait for someone to patch the hole, or do we jump off and swim to shore?" Jones says. "If you stay in the boat and do nothing, it's a sure thing that you will drown. If you get out of the sinking boat and try to save yourself, your chances of surviving are greater. Business-In-A-Bucket is designed to help teenagers -- anyone - earn income and learn entrepreneurial skills necessary for business success."
After a home, a car is the most expensive investment that many people make. In addition to learning how to create jobs, users of Business-In-A-Bucket will learn how to preserve their own cars and save money.
Business-In-A-Bucket is just as it sounds -- a bucket loaded with everything necessary to start a business; more specifically, it contains everything needed to professionally detail a car. Included in the bucket is Jones' instructional guide book "The Owner's Guide to Auto Detailing," featuring all of the intricacies of auto detailing, including one little-known fact in bold print: "DO NOT USE DISH SOAP TO WASH YOUR CAR." The book offers 58 car maintenance tips in all, covering topics such as polishing compounds and the proper way to clean tinted windows, all of which are pertinent in the business of auto detailing.
Business-In-A-Bucket is a simple, cost-effective way to make money without the hassle and stress. For less than $50, users are provided various tips and tools that they can utilize to create any number of new businesses, such as an auto preservation consultancy, a mobile auto detailing business (http://www.businessinabucket.net/)or selling do-it-yourself auto detailing kits.
"Business-In-A-Bucket allows you to start your own business right away. It's a great way to encourage youth in business. We must find ways to create our own stimulus packages, and doing so for yourself is a great start. With Business-In-A-Bucket, something so simple can lead to something so great," Jones says.