Friday, January 30, 2009

New sex term named after hypocrite Christian pastor

It has been pointed out that the January 24 issue of the Economist magazine pays homage to one of our favorite journalists, Dan Savage, in the form of a story about coining an appropriate definition for the term saddlebacking. To saddleback, thanks to the good work of Mr. Savage and his readers, is now defined as the phenomenon of Christian teens engaging in unprotected anal sex in order to preserve their virginities.

The term is named after the Christianist church of pastor Rick Warren, who was unfortunately chosen to say a prayer during the inauguration ceremony of President Barack Obama.

We applaud Mr. Savage and his "Savage Love" column for outstanding work in making public the hypocracy of contemporary Christianist practices such as teenagers risking contracting sexually transmitted diseases in the mistaken belief that anal intercourse is permissible and virginity is admirable. Thank you, Dan.